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Birds and rodents can cause significant damage to solar panels by nesting, chewing wires, or leaving droppings on them. This can lead to reduced energy production and permanent damage to solar panels.
Secondary issues occur to premises where nesting debris and excess fouling block gulleys and gutters causing water ingress and flooding to roof structures. Notwithstanding the potential safety hazards to operational and maintenance personnel created through slip hazards, water and airborne pathogens and electrical shock. Feel free to contact us with your queries; we are here to help.
ADS Solar Asset Cleaning have a broad knowledge of effective bird and rodent proofing with products specifically developed to protect solar arrays.
In conjunction with our sister organisation ADS Integrated Pest Management, we have a broad knowledge of effective bird and rodent proofing with products specifically developed to protect solar arrays. Our survey team assess all environmental factors influencing what type of solution will be most effective within an Integrated Pest Management program where prevention is our primary intervention and control policy.
Please call us to learn more about our bird and rodent-proofing solutions and schedule an on-site consultation.